Home ARTICLES Deonna Purrazzo on the Knockouts Name

Deonna Purrazzo on the Knockouts Name

by Spencer Love

While many rightfully regard IMPACT Wrestling’s women’s division as one of, if not the, strongest division in the world, there are still those who take umbrage with the division’s moniker of Knockouts. Despite the long-term history of the name and its importance to IMPACT’s branding, there are those who believe that the name should change to be more reflective of the current times.

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In a recent interview on Love Wrestling, reigning Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo gave her thoughts on the Knockouts name, the history behind it, and why she feels it’s here to stay.

Purrazzo was all too enthusiastic in giving her thoughts on the name and why it should stay.

“Yeah!” she responded when asked if she was a fan of the division’s moniker. “There’s been a ton of pushback, like, right when I started with Impact of the Knockouts name and I love it. I grew up knowing them as the Knockouts.

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I never felt a negative connotation towards it as a fan. I just feel like a Knockout is beautiful, is sexy, is powerful, is strong – is a Knockout, literally.”

“I like it. I think it’s different,” Purrazzo continued. “There’s other women’s divisions and everyone else is a woman, and I feel like it gets grouped in with the Diva era, but I think that the connotations and just the way that they were – I don’t know what the word I’m looking for – but the way that they were portrayed is completely different, what a Diva was and what a Knockout was, and I think Impact, and even when it was TNA, developed a really strong women’s division by branding them as Knockouts and then allowing them to be strong, powerful, sexy, top athletes in their company. I grew up watching Divas and feeling like I wanted to change that perception.”

“I’m happy to be a Knockout,” closed the Virtuosa. “I’m happy to be the Knockouts Champion, I’m happy to continue to build that brand with me now.

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Please credit Spencer Love/Love Wrestling with any transcriptions used.

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