Home ARTICLES Dirty, Inc: How Mike Jones Built an Alberta Wrestling Empire

Dirty, Inc: How Mike Jones Built an Alberta Wrestling Empire

by Spencer Love

Success = Money.

It’s a simple mantra, but a mantra that Dirty Mike Jones is the definition of. Jones is the current manager and business liaison of Dirty, Inc, an ever-evolving faction currently dominating the Albertan independent wrestling scene. While the group is well-decorated – current RCW Women’s Champion Angelica recently joined the fray – Dirty, Inc’s goal has always been one thing: Money.

Since breaking onto the scene in 2017, Jones has developed a reputation as the most pragmatic manager in Albertan wrestling. Dirty, Inc is a murderers row of current champions, premier prospects, and in-ring technicians. Each member of the faction brings something unique to the table, and all under the watchful eye of Dirty Mike Jones.

So, how did he do it?

A Taste of Success

Jones first burst onto the Albertan independent wrestling scene accompanying Danno Burns in early 2017. It was a partnership that provided Jones with the opportunity to make his first foray into managing and gave him his first taste of success in professional wrestling.

“(Danno’s) a vicious veteran, and definitely one of the best workers in the locker room,” says Jones on his inaugural client. “It was an easy decision to partner with him.”

The pairing experienced significant early returns; Burns won the RCW Social Media Championship early in their tenure together, and it looked as though the duo was primed for a rapid ascent up the RCW card.

However, by early 2018, the partnership had begun to fall apart. Tensions began developing between the manager and his client, coming to a head following a match in April of 2018.

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Following a mat classic between Burns and Albertan talent Jordan Aries, the two foes shook hands seemingly in a show of respect.

It was something that didn’t sit well with Jones.

After confronting Burns in the ring, the usually-collected manager slapped his client across the face, resulting in a devastating superkick to Jones himself. In a surprising move, Jones was carried from ringside by both Cameron Stevens and Sweet Daddy Soul, setting the stage for what was to come.

While the pain was temporary, both the kick and the pair of Stevens and Soul left a lasting impression on Jones. Rather than build one asset, he espoused, why not build multiple?

“The goal is always financial,” Jones states cooly, “and I realized when Danno showed his true colours, I needed a team, not just one person.”

With Sweet Daddy Soul and Cameron Stevens on board and Jones at the helm, the foundation of Dirty, Inc was born.

Growing Numbers

In November 2018, Jones was looking to expand his empire. The high early returns of the alliance with Stevens and Sweet Daddy Soul had Jones scouring the province for new recruits to build the Dirty, Inc brand.

He found them in Cody Chimera and Real Estate Nate.

“Both Cody and Nate were hand-selected from a talented group of Storm grads,” Jones comments. “Bringing them into the Dirty, Inc fold was a priority. It was a calculated decision to recruit them both; their potential is endless.”

“I joined Dirty Inc because it was a mutually beneficial partnership,” adds Chimera. “Mike Jones saw that I would be someone who would help elevate Dirty Inc to the top of the wrestling scene in Alberta, and I saw that he was the only one who was willing to do what it took to get to there as fast as possible.”

However, the new additions weren’t the only turnover within the ranks of Dirty, Inc that evening. In Jones’ words, Sweet Daddy Soul – one of the founding members of the faction – was forgetting who was truly in charge.

“For whatever reason, (Sweet Daddy Soul) began calling himself the leader of Dirty, Inc,” Jones explains. “We don’t consider anyone the leader; it’s the key to our strategy. I may have the game plan, but it’s our strength in numbers and our team that makes us strong.

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“I realized that we needed to eliminate any issues quickly as we continued to grow,” he continues cooly. “We did what we had to do to eliminate our weakest link.”

In a vicious attack, Jones’ new recruits and Cameron Stevens brutalized Sweet Daddy Soul, removing him from the group and bringing about a new era for Dirty, Inc.

Major Acquisitions

Since the formative days of Dirty, Inc, “The Universe” Zach Mercury had been a perpetual thorn in the group’s side. A thorn, Jones muses, that needed to be taken care of.

Enter Sydney Steele.

“How do you describe Sydney Steele?” Jones exclaims. “He’s not just a student of the game, but someone with a masters degree in it.”

“I joined Dirty Inc. for two reasons,” Steele espouses. “The first is that I was looking to take my career to the next level, and Mike Jones is the best man for the job. I’m not an entertainer, I could give a damn if fans have a good time and I certainly don’t care about being the ‘best wrestler in Alberta’, I care about getting paid.”

It’s a mindset that fit in perfectly with Jones and the rest of Dirty, Inc. In an effort to remove the Universe once and for all, Jones worked out a financial agreement: all Steele needed to do was betray Mercury in a tag team match.

It was a decision that was all too easy for Steele.

“(Mike) is constantly working to help find ways to make me more money,” says Steele, “and that’s what this is all about – making money.”

“The second reason,” he continues, “was that I saw a group of hungry, talented but inexperienced guys that Mike Jones was surrounding himself with, and I knew that these guys are the future.”

The Universe, unfortunately, was able to exact his revenge on the faction a few short months ago, taking out Real Estate Nate and sidelining the rookie for the foreseeable future. While the injury was an unfortunate turn of events for the group, it ended up being a blessing in disguise.

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Latest Additions

“In almost ten years in the business, Maverick Jack has it all,” says Jones of Dirty, Inc’s latest male recruit. “Yes, he has size, and he has strength, but most importantly his attitude immediately fit Dirty, Inc. We knew we had to have him.”

April 5th was a monumental day in the history of Dirty, Inc. With the faction reduced to a foursome due to the unfortunately-timed injury of Real Estate Nate, Jones was left reeling. Could the faction sustain the loss of yet another long-term member?

Not only could it survive, Jones says, but thrive.

An early evening Lumberjack Match set the stage for a statement night from Dirty, Inc. Assistance from Maverick Jack ensured that the injured Real Estate Nate would have a more-than-adequate replacement. However, the true coup came later in the evening during an RCW Women’s Championship match between Envy and “The Bombshell” Angelica. At the height of the match, Sydney Steele made an unannounced appearance at ringside and shockingly interfered in the match on Angelica’s behalf. A short three-count later, and the Bombshell was not only the new RCW Women’s Champion but the new Queen of Dirty, Inc.

“Ah yes, Angelica. Alberta’s greatest women’s wrestler,” says Jones. “I had wanted a female wrestler in Dirty, Inc for a long, long time and she was always my number one choice. She’s the best in terms of both in-ring work and beauty. After lengthy negotiations, she finally came to our side.”

Dirty, Inc was complete.

The Future is Dirty

While the goal of the faction has always been financial, says Jones, the faction is cognizant of the value a championship brings to the table.

In fact, he says, that’s become one of the fundamental goals of Dirty, Inc.

“The only reason someone like Sydney Steele doesn’t have gold around his waist is the bias of RCW management.”

The statement seems to spark a fire in Steele.

“Whether it’s Steven Styles or The Irishman, they need to get the hell out of their own way and let that happen,” he fumes. “We just had Matt Taven and Gangrel come through RCW. A legitimate legend, who Cameron Stevens got the opportunity to challenge, and an internationally recognized World Heavyweight Champion. And who got a shot at the ROH World Title? Jordan Aries! The definition of “vanilla midget”. Another in a long line of fragile, breakable junior heavyweights who can’t hold up and he gets a shot at one of the most coveted Heavyweight Championships on the planet!”

At this point, Steele collects himself. Taking a breath, he continues.

“It’s time for RCW management to realize that Dirty Inc. is where the money’s at, Dirty Inc. is who’s going to be running this entire industry in Alberta in another year or two, and let us take over,” Steele concludes.

“Because if they don’t, they’re going to wind up in the dirt.”

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